Doug's Experience with Boats

Dear Doug,
Me and my old lady are on the verge of splittin up. I just can't stand her no more. There's a major problem though and it ain't the fact that she's leaving. I just bought a brand new Skeeter SX 176 this year and I'll be damned if she's getting her hands on it. Is there any way I can make sure of this?
- My Boat, Decatur, IL

Dear Friend,
I venture to say that most heart ache involved with splittin centers around losing your possessions more so than losin the lady. Heres what you do. Find someone you really trust, I mean REALLY trust, like a bartender. Sell him the boat real cheap with an understanding that you'll buy it back after the dust has settled. Then give her half the money. When the papers go through you don't own the boat and therefore she ain't entitled to it. You'll lose out a little bit and you'll owe the guy a couple of fishin trips but it's worth the trouble, trust me.
- Doug

Dear Doug,
I see your afiliating boats with bankruptcy. Have you been burned before on boats? I think you do a diservise to people who might be entertaining the notion of a boat purchase. I own two Yamaha Waverunners, as well as a Bass Tracker V-hull, and a Grumman jon boat. I admit I did get the jon boat free by finding it washed up on my back lawn, but purchasing these boats never caused me any financial crisis. I'd like you to set the record straight on this.
-D.R., Alabama

Dear D.R.,
It's been my experience that boats require constant maintenance and love (financial and mechanical). If you love your craft (which you obviously do) they can provide a lifetime of water splittin', large mouth-haulin' bliss. On the other hand, if you have a job that requires you to work more than 12 hours a week, it's impossible to keep and use a boat the way it oughta be
- Doug

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