
Dear Doug,
BassMaster has recently been having quite a debate with their readers on if'n it's appropriate to keep bass that you catch. I personally could care less whether it's a trophy or not, but I like to eat em. What's your take on this, Doug?
- Thomas, Michigan

Dear Tom,
I've been following the debate and here's my take on things: Trout and salmon go straight in the belly. With bass, I find they're more fun to catch than eat on account of them scales. However, let me throw in some general advice which, I'm afraid, goes against the grain of traditional fisheries management: When kin folk are coming up for a fry, I'm inclined to keep smaller, succulent ones because them biggies don't taste for a damn. Same holds for cattle. See, this knocks off yer hunger but still keeps the lunker water pigs wet. Some western states have similar slot limits, which require you to throw back fingerlings and breeders. Considering how few people can find my house in the first place (let alone drop over for a fry) I don't generally require taxadermy; a picture in my billfold is braggin rights a'plenty. Plus, I find you can do more with lenses. Don't get me wrong though, if I caught a 23-pounder, you can bet that sucker'd be hangin somewheres, so long as Penn National Bank would extend my credit. All said, I suppose your personal balance of keepers is decided by votes from the Good Lord above, Lady Luck, hunger, vanity and, of course, the Fish Commission.
- Doug

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