Wynfield Harrington Dietz
Wynfield is a long-time friend of the staff at DearDoug.com and proudly holds many of the attributes we admire in an marginally healthy, partially educated American male.

Deep Thoughts, by Wyn
Why do people do keg stands at the end of a party? Wouldn't the smartest thing be to do them at the beginning so everyone falls over. I just know from history that keg stands get you drunk as hell.

Dear Doug,
Are there any humans amongst us that are really capable of tapping into the unknown and returning with answers to those questions that eat us up? Do you know what I mean Doug?
- Wyn

Dear Wyn,
You mean the eternal questions that tear at a man's soul like.."how does that one eyed bass always bust my line just inches from the boat" or "what really happened the night I went home with the bearded lady" or "where lives this magical animal that can produce all the finest foods such as spam, sausage, bacon, and scrapple." If that's what you mean, then I'm afraid no mortal can know.
- Doug

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